AmigaOS3.5 (287/967)

Date:9 May 2000 at 04:14:24
Subject:Re: Amiga OS 3.5 and Picasso II

Sorry, I did make a mistake on that one. The Derringer has 8mb 32-bit ram on it
and the GVP has two 4mb simms. That was my problem. However, I tried just
removing one of the 4mb GVP simms and setting the jumpers correctly and the
card is listed as defective at startup. At this point, I am willing to give up
the 8mb fast ram for the working video. Thanks to all who replied and leaned me
in the right direction.

Adam Szymczak wrote:

> On 07-May-00, Derek Lawson wrote:
> > I am still having trouble getting OS 3.5 to run with an original 1mb
> > Picasso II card. First I will give you my system specs.
> >
> > Amiga 2000
> > 3.1 romset
> > 2mb chip ram with DKB Megachip
> > 14mb fast ram on GVP A4008 SCSI controller card
> I'm rather interested in how you got 14MB of fast ram on your A4008. I have
> that card, and as far as I know the RAM limit is 8MB.
> > 500mb Quantum SCSI drive
> > 1mb Picasso II
> > Derringer '030 accelerator with no FPU running at 40htz
> Does the Derringer have any RAM on it? Just wondering in light of the 14MB
> comment above.
> --
> Adam Szymczak Team AMIGA ICQ: 14246745
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> --
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